Monday, April 30, 2007

Another two weeks

Howdy Y'all
Coop here. Life has been adventuresome for me lately. I've had to have more of that yukky paste that get the sites out of my system. I guess its wormies out of my system. I've been eatin grass with the big guy so it's been fun. We also run and play, trouble is that big guy isn't a trickster like moi!!! He likes to go home when its time and stuff like that. A few days ago that man was trying to catch me. Well I didn't want em to. I knocked him down as I was runnin past and then I almost fell too, actually I fell a little but not enough to slow me down. Eventually he got me and then I was not about to do what he wanted. Well I showed him but then he made me circle, I got dizzy and decided to be good for a few steps until he made me dizzy again. Finally, we made it to another pen and I got to eat grass. It was soooo good. When it was time to go back to my pen, I didn't wanno so I wouldn't let my person catch me. She made me run until I almost couldn't breathe and then I had to let her catch me. It was fun for awhile. I walked right along with her. I didn't want to get dizzy again. Today I got to go to that pen and eat more yummy grass but I was a perfect gentleman. No point in messing with her today. She came to visit a couple of times and I was nice and friendly. The big guy is out but he hangs around me or else holler for him. I think he gets tired of hearing me hollerin. I am finally sheddin a little. I was starting to get too hot. Hopefully I will get my summer coat soon so I can mess with my person some more and not get too hot. I always have tricks up my sleeve oh I mean hoof. Darn if she isn't figurin most of em out though. Nuthin more exciting in my life so here is my philosophy for today!

How can we possibly forget to laugh, when it feels so good, and cures so much? How can we possibly? -- Author:At Home in Mitford by Jan Karon

Sunday, April 15, 2007

My porson is in Trouble

Sorry I haven't been able to tell my story lately. My person just hasn't taken time to help me out. Stuff has changed for me. My buddy TC hopped in this Red thing behind a big blue thing and then he was gone. I was sad but they moved the big guy close to me and now I have a new friend. I hope TC is happy wherever he went but I do miss him. I could bully him but that big guy, Komet scares me sometimes. Last week my person's man caught me but I didn't make it easy for him and my person gave me this white paste stuff, it was gross but I had to swallow it as she put it right back where I couldn't spit it out. I guess its supposed to kill those pesky parasites that live inside me, even if I try not to let them. I did feel better in a day or two but that man isn't going to catch me again!!! I have lots of tricks up my sleeve.
I am well cared for and have a nice house so I really can't complain. My person always comes in and scratches those itchy spots and talks to me when she feeds me. She also puts my toys back in the middle of my run so I won't get too bored. I love playing!!! She is even back to picking up my feet, boring. I am working on some new tricks to foil her but she always does it while I am am eating and food is definitely more important than tricks. I guess my person is
feeling better. On Thursday morning, I really fooled her, she had her hands full of hay so I nipped the back of her leg and ran away. That was a fun trick but I thought she was going to take away my hay so I haven't done it again. I am a tricky little devil with lots of mischief inside me. This morning I got to get out and eat and eat with the big guy. I ran and bucked and ran and bucked even more. We get to go from the arena all the way to the back field all day. It is lots of fun but I am going to be really tired tonight. My person promised me she would try to be more diligent about posting my messages. Maybe I won't nip her anymore if she keeps her promise.

"It's not what you gather, but what you scatter that tells what kind of life you have lived. Let's scatter the good things." -- Author:Helen Walton