Friday, February 23, 2007

Oops I'm behind

Well MC continues to make me laugh. I was in Oklahoma last week end so on Tuesday I thought I would need the wheelbarrow to pick up mini dodo and old wet hay. As soon as I got in with the equipment I noticed the wheelbarrow moving, MC decided it would be a great thing to scratch on, just the right height. He scratched from all sides and thoroughly enjoyed himself. He then had to investigate everything as it went in but he could just barely peek over the top. He had to test the old hay and give his approval for its removal. He didn't even try to escape as the equipment left his pen. About time you picked up that old Dukey!!!

Wednesday was exciting. The double clip on the arena gate chain is very tight to the woofers can't visit the mini whinnies. I had the manure fork in one hand and was trying to latch the gate with the other and lift the gate with my foot. The manure fork has a metal handle and there is a hot wire up to the gate. Boy did I get a jolt when the handle and wire made contact. Up one arm, down the other right to the double clip. Oops, need to pay more attention to those lovely little (big jolt) wires. Got through the mini chores and petted MC and discussed his friends. He loves attention.

Thursday as I was doing my mini chores I left the gate open and MC decided to check out the rest of the arena. He had a good time running about and kicking up his heels. Of course he came over for a little attention too. He was having such a good time he got to stay out all day. He was safely in his mini house last night when Ted went to feed. A guy can only have so much fun in one day!!! Eat your heart out TC, I was out and you weren't nah, nah, nah, nah, nah!

Friday: MC was naughty today. After I did the mini scoop thing I decided to brush MC. Poor guy had a small branch attached to his underside. It was only about 4 inches long but I did have to get it out of his hair. I curried him and then brushed him. It felt so good!! He then got naughty and gave me a little nip. I almost nipped him back but didn't catch him fast enough. No broken skin just the toddler thing. We will discuss it more later. I will be ready next time with a swift response. Komet and TC got to play in the arena this afternoon and MC pouted and wouldn't talk to me. Such is life on the farm. Have a wonderful day and remember each day is a gift!

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