Wednesday, February 28, 2007

The Old Roll in the Hay

Today Cooper was in a good mood. It is uncanny how much like Komet he is only smaller. This morning I did my usual pick up mini stuff. He had to come over and help, or get in the way whichever you prefer. I picked up his feet, he lifted his back one for me. He is very smart and knows the drill. Today it was really funny. I was warned that he claims his food. Today he did that very thing. He rolled in his hay and then decided it had his approval to eat. Tonight I also took my trusty basket to do some pick up and he tried to help. I guess he thinks that red handled thing is his special toy. I have a jolly ball in with him and he moves it around. I need to remember to get him a ball at walmart that he really likes. As I was leaving the arena he gave his little mini nicker. It was really cute. Having a mini with so much personality is a lot of fun. Ashley did a great job as his person.
"The pleasure you get from life is equal to the attitude you put into it"

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