Thursday, March 1, 2007

Back by popular request!

Well, since it seems that everybody adores reading these, and I haven't gotten around to writing in awhile, here goes nothing ...

Boo moved! He has a new home at the Lenneau's house. I'm not sure if that's spelled right, tho. Lennoux? It's right up there with Van Tuyl ...

Boo likes his new friend Jesse. Jesse doesn't like me very much. Yesterday afternoon, Hannah and I went riding together and then turned the horses out while we cleaned stalls. Hannah had to leave for diving practice, so I put the horses back inside to eat. I caught Boo just fine - I called him and he lazily jogged up to me and followed me into the barn. He knows where the food's at. Jesse, on the other hand, look a good 20 minutes to catch. It was annoying me, because he'd let me get close enough to touch him, and then turn and run, or back up. Eventually I got him cornered, and proved to him that I can read his evil little mind ... feinted to the left, and then threw the rope over his neck to the right.

Then, I went inside and had me some fried chicken! Before she left to take Hannah, she said that we was leaving the back door unlocked for me to go inside, and that there was fried chicken and ... some other stuff. The last thing I remember hearing was fried chicken. After I wiped up the puddle of saliva from my mouth watering ... Man, real food is nice, even if it's just fried chicken from walmart.

So Boo likes his new home. Getting him there was a bit eventful. To start off with, coordination everything was kind of interesting. First, I had to find a truck and trailer. I took a trip down to my favorite feed store, the owner of which was more than happy to oblige me. The tall guy - Marvin-James-Whateverhisnamereallyis, said that he had a truck, and a lady that I had never seen said that she had a trailer I could borrow. So, I was set there, but I just had to find a way to get Boo out of the barn at a time that they could work with, after the feed store was closed. One of my friends that I used to be able to rely on when I wanted/needed to do something with Boo has been really weird, and rather rude since last weekend. So, I just asked Bill, who said that he would make sure there was somebody there.

After some confusion about which vehicle was going to pull the trailer, who was going to drive it, and where there was a hitch ball, we were set, and showed up at the barn to pick Boo up. Having never put him in a little 2-horse side by side, I wasn't totally sure of what to expect. He got most of the way in, and I ran him in some circles ... he wasn't doing too bad. Then, the aforementioned person from the barn decided she was leaving. Instead of just pulling out and driving around the circle like any normal and/or considerate person generally would, seeing a horse that doesn't want to get in a trailer, she back up past the trailer, right next to it, and goes around the circle the other direction. Even Tommy, Mr. Feed Store noticed that and commented on the lack of consideration and ... possible ill-will. I merely replied that I thought she was a friend, but life happens.

So, then Boo loads, and we stop at the feed store again for Mr. Feed Store to take care of some stuff. I petted Boo from the little feed door, and then decided to get in the other side and pet him. Aftera few minutes of that, I got out and because I thought it was time to leave. It turns out that it wasn't time to leave let, so I got back in to pet Boo some more. Apparently, he didn't want me to leave the first time, becaue he had gotten his head stuck around, and was thoroughly folded in half, wheezing because he couldn't breathe very well, but couldn't put his head anywhere else, because, well, it's hard to move when you're stuck.

So, after unloading him, having him not want to get back in, circling some more, and finally getting in, we made our way to his new home, where I fed him and then turned him out with his new friend, who I'm happy to say he gets along very well with.

If I ever have a way to take pictures again, I will, but my camera died. And I can't buy another one and return the broken one because no walmarts have them because they're on clearance! Agh! Oh well. Cameras are dumb. When I have a j$b again, I'll buy one with a real warranty. That one might take awhile ... or I'll persuade daddy that I need a microSD card. Low res pic > no pic!

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